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Why blog? -How blogging effects your business in marketing and SEO!

Why blog? -How blogging effects your business in marketing and SEO!


Why should your company website have a blog page? You’re selling computers and servers, or cosmetics and handbags, so why the extra effort? 

Today I am going to explain in detail the benefits of blogging and how it will affect your reputation and seo ranking! So stay tuned guys…

Benefits of blogging

Why do all top companies like Microsoft and Cisco have a blog page? Blogs in general, keep readers up to date with your work, it provides them with intel on matters that are important to your business and helps them better understand your line of work. 

In fact, a study showed that websites who blog get 55% more visits than those without a blog page.

Blogging can be viewed in a different aspect than just marketing business, It can be seen as an international hotspot for different ideas, opinions, and discussions. 

This not only allows you to find out what people are looking for or expecting the most out of your services but it also brings you closer to potential customer, leads and website visitors from all around the world!

You can see now just how important blogging is, but how will that effect your website ranking?


How blogging is linked to SEO

As I mentioned earlier, websites that have a blog page get 55% more visits that those who don’t, and needless to say, more visits = higher ranking.

Although it’s true that the more visitors you get the higher your website is ranked in search engines, that doesn’t necessarily mean all websites that blog are displayed first in search results.

And that’s where we go into the blog itself.

Blog content is what we analyze when talking about SEO ranking. Is the it good, unique, informative, relevant, keyword-rich…etc.

All these are necessary factors that contribute to the level of ranking your blogs get. 

You can read our blog on how to write a kick-ass blog right here if you’re looking to gain more intel on the matter, meanwhile, let’s dig deeper!


Let’s start by talking a little bit about SEO, what is it?

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is a method used to attract more visitors to a website or a page in a website, thus gaining that website/page higher ranking in search engine results.

However, playing with SEO isn’t always safe. 

Pogo-sticking and link baits as well as uncalled for keyword redundancy, all methods of tricking search engines, can get you right to the very bottom in no time if you’re not careful.

Now blogs, just like any content in your website, carry keywords (special words sought out for the purpose of ranking content), images, call to actions and links. All the following are stepping stones to higher ranking if used correctly. 

So let’s find out how you can use each of these elements for the benefit of SEO!



Keywords are the main target when people write content. And some misuse these special words by using them too much! It’s true, using too many keywords or simply jotting them around to trick search engines into ranking you higher is a big mistake. Though there was a time when keyword redundancy was proved effective, it’s content unfortunately sank faster than Titanic after the “trick” was uncovered. Search Engines are different now than they were back then, they’re faster, smarter and more complex, so don’t use this method, it won’t work. Instead focus on the quality of your content while adding keywords exactly where they belong, people don’t care about keywords, they care about the content, and today’s search engines care about people, so work on the core, focus on pleasing your customers and visitors they’ll get you somewhere! 



Images are linked more to the general design and layout of your blog, a good looking blog is like a good looking guy, (or girl), everyone wants to stare. That’s a good thing actually, the combination of great content with great pictures is a huge win! 

Some images can contain text which can contain keywords which can help leverage ranking. Some can also serve as links or call to actions which also contribute to good ranking, I’ll explain this next.



Links are awesome when it comes to SEO ranking. They can be inserted just about anywhere, images, buttons, widgets…you name it! Link building is also a great way to get better ranking. Links building is when you acquire hyperlinks (aka links), from other websites to your own. Link building is actually not an easy process at all, in fact, most SEOs around the world all agree it is the hardest parts of their jobs! But once it’s mastered, you will always be ahead of the game.


Call to actions

I remember when I first started working at my job, I had a very hard time understanding call to actions, where to put them, what can they be used for, and what to call them! But it got easier over time. Call to actions can take the form of buttons, images or just text. They help you navigate easily and form shortcuts to relevant content that are on different pages, be it on your website, or on another page on the net. But how are call to actions linked to SEO?

- They are user-friendly, faster and easier.

- They keep people on your website and trigger traffic

- They can be so attractive that you just have to click them and obey!

These 3 points show you how call to actions can help rank your website/page. With effective SEO copywriting, call to actions can get visitors to do anything you want them to, but again, you must master the art, and if it worked once, It doesn’t necessarily mean it has to work all the time. So if you are giving out free eBooks, have a great offer…etc. include it in a call to action at the bottom of your blog, if people enjoy it, they will keep coming to your website, eventually they will start browsing other pages and start trying your services, thus, becoming your potential customer. YEAH!


Are you looking for a strong content for your website and a level up of SEO rank ?

VOILA offers a unique SEO strategy to your website and more SEO services  ,Just contact us  today! 

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